Oh Micah!


Throughout his ministry, Micah dealt with so many of the same social issues that we are struggling with today . The rich became wealthy at the expense of the poor, business dealings became corrupt, there was callousness towards the weak and less fortunate, and a overall disregard for God’s law. The people had grown content with going through the religious motions while practicing very little spiritual devotion.

Micah’s ministry focused on restoring the people of Judah back to God by revealing that they would suffer destruction and exile if they continued to follow the sins of their society

Yet here we are today, so many generations later, experiencing the very same thing. Infact, how many times throughout the bible do we read of God’s people losing their way and turning from Him.

Over and over again.

Yet God continues to have patience with us because He LONGS to have a up close and personal relationship with us.

Look at what Micah 6: 8 says:

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.”

Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly.

Simple but powerful words.

We can use these words to show an unsaved world who we are as Christians. Let them see God’s love in us.

Be kind. ❤

About The Author

Sherry Lee

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