Decorative Wooden Wheelbarrow

I recently watched a fun Facebook video posted by The Crafty Decorator on how to build a cute decorative wooden wheelbarrow using a pre-made crate.

It just so happens that my two grandsons were staying with us that weekend, so my husband gathered up the supplies that were needed and he and the oldest grandson went to work on making the wooden wheelbarrow (the youngest was too busy riding his bike and couldn’t be bothered lol).

wooden wheelbarrow decor

Surprisingly, our nine-year-old grandson really enjoyed the whole process! The wheelbarrow was simple enough to make so that he could see the fruits of his labor pretty quickly.

After it was completed, I went over it with a stain and poly that I already had on hand. The next day we added our Fall decor of pumpkins and flowers. It has now made its home on my fireplace hearth until after Thanksgiving or the first fire is built!

wooden wheelbarrow Fall decor

This would also be so cute sitting on your front porch or entry!

This project was so easy and quick to complete yet has the feel of a quality project.

Wait! it’s not just for Fall! Take out the Fall decorations and add moss, bunnies, and flowers to give it a Springtime look! I will post my Springtime version a little later in the year to show you how versatile the little decorative wooden wheelbarrow can be!

Go check out Sherry’s wooden wheelbarrow video. Her directions are easy to follow and understand so you can build your very own! ❤