Kick The Ant Hill

Have you ever watched ants going back and forth out of an anthill? They usually travel in a straight line, following the ant in front of them. They’re either going out of the hill to find food, carrying small gravel, or bringing food back in.

What happens if you kick the hill? (We’ve probably all done this at least once). Suddenly they switch from an orderly line in and out to a frantic scurrying pace going every which way!

They have no direction. Their compass has been lost. No single ant can look to the ant in front to lead them back to an orderly route. There’s nothing but utter chaos and confusion.

This makes me think that sometimes we are the ants as God is looking down on us.

When life is going great we go about our normal routine and day-to-day activities in an orderly fashion, doing the things that are familiar and comfortable to us.

However, once something comes along that rocks our world we often forget about our anchor in God and immediately get wrapped up in our chaos. We can’t see God for focusing all our attention on the immediate problem in front of us.

We read in 1 Cor. 14:33 that God is not a God of chaos or confusion, but of peace. If you’re living in chaos right now, turn your focus back to God. He will give you the peace and strength to get through any trials you are going through.

Read Psalms 46, the first chapter. It will lift your spirit to know that God is our refuge and strength in times of trouble.

All you have to do is be still.

Just stop.

Get back on the right path. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5)

Don’t be an ant.🐜🐜🐜

Remember to continually thank God for what He has done and is going to do for us. We are His chosen people, a title not to be taken lightly. (I Peter 2:9)

Have a blessed day ❤

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